Access Control

Agency with access control service in Milan

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The common factor in all events, whatever they may be, is security.

It is unthinkable to organise an event without implementing essential measures to minimise risks during its course.

Foremost among these is access control in Milan, a service provided by us at New Planet in Milan and throughout Italy.

Through our qualified operators, we manage accessible entrances for the public in environments such as:

  • Buildings where the passage of the public is expected, such as companies, hospitals, large residential complexes, museums;
  • Enclosed areas such as car parks, restoration or work zones, both public and private;
  • Closed spaces such as warehouses, storage areas, IT areas, laboratories.

Contact us to request our access control service in Milan and throughout the national territory.

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Access control service in Milan and throughout Italy

The way movements and access to the location of an event are planned is crucial because every passage is a potentially problematic place. Therefore, it is necessary to consider this matter very seriously.

At New Planet, we perform access control in Milan for events and throughout the national territory for events of all kinds. This activity aims to protect property and people, safeguarding their well-being and the correct use of the hosting structure.

We manage this service with great confidentiality and with the friendliness and high standards of hospitality towards the public that have always characterised our work.

For our clients, we provide highly professional personnel who handle access control service in Milan and throughout the national territory for events of all kinds, carrying out the following activities:

  • Identification and registration of guests, according to predetermined procedures;
  • Welcome visitors;
  • Provision of information and directions, even in different languages;
  • Inspection and, if required, inspection of incoming and outgoing vehicles;
  • Verification of permits;
  • Management of parking areas;
  • Implementation of interventions on security systems;
  • Issuance of passes and/or badges.

Servizio di controllo ingressi Milano

Il modo in cui vengono pensati movimenti e accessi alla location di un evento è fondamentale perché ogni passaggio è un luogo potenzialmente problematico, occorre quindi considerare tale questione molto seriamente.

Da New Planet eseguiamo il controllo accessi per eventi di ogni genere a Milano, attività che ha lo scopo di proteggere beni e persone, tutelando allo stesso tempo la loro incolumità e l'uso corretto della struttura che le ospita.

Gestiamo questo servizio con grande riservatezza e con la cordialità e gli alti standard di accoglienza verso il pubblico che da sempre contraddistinguono il nostro operato.

Ai nostri clienti mettiamo a disposizione personale altamente professionale che si occupa del controllo degli accessi di manifestazioni di ogni genere a Milano, svolgendo le seguenti attività:

  • identificazione e registrazione degli ospiti, secondo le modalità prestabilite;
  • accoglienza dei visitatori;
  • fornitura di informazioni e indicazioni, anche in diverse lingue;
  • controllo e ispezionare, se richiesto, degli automezzi in entrata e uscita;
  • verifica dei permessi;
  • gestione delle aree di parcheggio;
  • attuazione di interventi sui sistemi di sicurezza;
  • rilascio di pass e/o badge.

Contact us for more information to receive a quote on the access control service in Milan and throughout Italy

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